Sunday, November 18, 2012

No Chicken Little, the sky is not falling

The past two weeks have brought a lot of progress.  The house is completely insulated and the guys have just finished up the drywall.  We have been busy making some final purchases.  We finally bought some material to put a ceiling on the porch,  tile for the master bathroom and vanities for the kids bathrooms.  All big items to check off our list.
Looking into foyer from kitchen

The insulators were here on Monday blowing cellulose into the ceiling, when one of the guys came to tell me there was a big problem.  One guy was up in the ceiling and the other feeding hose up.  He said he heard a noise so he asked the guy if he was ok.  When the guy responded that he was ok,  he was on the ground.  He had fallen thru the drywall in the ceiling.  Luckily the drywallers were still here and I was able to explain in broken Spanish that a guy fell from the sky.  They figured it out a patched things right up.

Speaking of insulation...we had a guy here who featured our house on his blog.  He was very impressed at the level of insulation in the house and took lots of photos.  If you are interested, you can read it here::

We had been using our little trailer as sort of a mini dumpster.  They workers would fill it up,  then we would take it to the dump and empty it.  In this process I learned that unsecured drywall can stand straight up at 40MPH.  We also learned that to heap drywall over the walls of the trailer will cause the fenders to rub on the tires and burning rubber stinks!

In the Living Room Looking to the kitchen

The chickens have slowed down their egg production.  We did get some solar powered holiday lights for inside the coop and the number of eggs is increasing daily.  We are getting more and more regular egg customers calling for several dozen at a time.  We rarely have eggs to sell at the farm stand anymore.  We also had some calls for honey this week.  One woman had previously purchased some for her son with allergies and said it really helped him.  How could we not sell to her?  It was so nice to hear that someone was benefiting from our honey.

This past weekend we had drywallers here both days and Chris was having some back issues so we opted for a down weekend.  It was nice to not work on the house for a change.  We are looking forward to the Thanksgiving holiday and all that we can get done.  Hopefully some tile and some painting.
Happy Thanksgiving!

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