Monday, November 26, 2012

Harder than Nails

 We had a great Thanksgiving.  We had a full dinner from Bob Evans.  Our only challenge was heating it in our very small microwave.  Getting things to luke warm took a long time.  Everything was tasty and it left lots of time to work on other things.

Kitchen from the family room.
Chris and Jackson installed the three garage door openers.  They look great, if only the power to them was hooked up.  We painted for 5 days straight and we got about 90% of the house painted.  It is starting to look like we could live there.

Early last week our bamboo flooring arrived,  all 9000lb of it.  Unfortunately it was dropped off in the garage and we had to move it box by box into the house to acclimate.  Our muscles are getting a work out and I think we would make a great husband and wife arm wrestling team.

We let the flooring installers work for an hour or so,  then our curiosity got the best of us and we had to go check on the progress.  "It is not going well sir.  The nails don't go in and the saw is smoking.  This wood is like steel."  So another truck of guys showed up with some stronger flooring nailers and the business owner came with a new saw blade.  Then 8 guys stood around to see if it would work.  Once they got the right tools,  the flooring went in like a dream and looks marvelous.

today the electrician is working on the outlets, switches and fixtures.  Hopefully we can get the tile done in the next week or two so the plumber can get his work done as well.  It looks like January we could have a place to live!

As things get completed it gets harder and harder to stay in the RV especially as we are expecting our first snow tonight.  Brrrrrrr.

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