Sunday, May 12, 2013

New tennants

We have some new tenants here at Watermark Woods.  We have yet to run into them, but we are sure they have settled in as they have really spruced up the landscaping in their front yard.  Below is a photo of their place.
We have been working on the outside of the house bit by bit each weekend.  We have all but two walls up finished which just leaves the gables and the front angles.  Areas that are going to take a lot of time and certainly a lot of cuss words.

It is just a few days until the eggs begin hatching.  We have been candling the eggs to see inside and we think there are two 'yolkers' which are eggs that were not fertilized.  Several of the eggs we can see the network of blood vessels and the chicken moving.

We were able to get in a little target practice this weekend.  It was a lot of fun and a nice respite from all the construction work.  Zombies beware. LOL

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