Sunday, July 1, 2012

On a dark and Stormy Night.....

 The house is coming along. The roof is sheathed and the interior basic framing is done. We are exploring contracts for roofing and soffits. We are trying really hard not to get too excited as we know there is still a long road ahead. Not an easy feat when I walk around the ginormous pantry and even bigger mud room! Oh to have laundry facilities again....sorry got off on a fantasy there.

Asparagus beans
We had a setback with one of the bee hives. We have two 10 frame hives which a thriving, we even think we will get 80 + pounds of honey this year. The one 8 frame hive had an invasion of wax moths. Chris spent a couple of hours identifying hives with the pests and quarantining them to the freezer. Yes, it is a strange site to open the freezer and see a bee hive! When he opened the hive a week later they seem to have rebounded but he still found a wax moth or two under the cover.

Little blue egg
The biggest excitement has been eggs. We are getting one egg a day from one of the Americana hens. She lays the cutest blue eggs. The taste SO good. Now we just need to get the rest of the girls laying. We have seen several hens practicing sitting in the nesting boxes, warming the fake trainer eggs.

We recently took a trip to visit family and on the eve of leaving, we had a big storm. No power. No water. So at 3:30 am we were collecting rain buckets of water to set out for the chickens. Hopefully the power and auto waterer will be back on soon. We thought we would have enough water in the pressure tank to shower, so I jumped in first and in an effort to conserve the wet stuff I pre-soaped thank goodness I did only face only as nothing came out when I turned the spigot! As we left We had lots of branches down, but luckily no trees fell on the drive as  chainsawing in the dark is not an option. So we got our 4 un-showered selves out the door at 4:15 am to catch our flight.
Garden with trailer in Background

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