Monday, April 30, 2012


This is taken standing on the front porch.  The boys are leaning on what will be the mudroom and behind them are the forms for the garage foundation walls.  looking into the basement you can see the door to the vault room.
The concrete boys did lots of work last week as they set and poured the foundation walls.  It realy gave us a look at the size of the new garage and add-ons.  Chris had a busy weekend moving the water pressure tank to prepare for the concrete floors to be poured. 

The bees have survived their move to their new hives and it looks like all three colonies are thriving. They all released their own queen from her cage and have begun making honey and pollen stores.  Yoda had a run in with the bees in their first days here.  All of a sudden he came bolting around the corner at full speed rolling and rubbing in the grass to try knocking them off.  I guess that will teach him to not play with the hives.

Yoda has been the constant source of entertainment.  Last week while talking to Chris on the phone,  I decided to feed the chickens.  Yoda seized the opportunity to enter the coop and exit via the chicken door into the chicken run.  He had a grand time pouncing on chickens.  They were not amused by his antics.  I had dropped the phone to chase the dog and apparently did a lot of shrieking.  When I found the phone I had dropped in my panic,  Chris was still on the line.  His only comment was that it sounded like a 911 call.

Jackson and I made a planting bed this weekend.  He worked really hard to dig, separate and plant some bulbs.  We also planted some flowering quince and lamium.  We (I really mean me) are having a hard time not buying all the plants that are out at the stores right now.  We did buy some cool things ... pink forsythias, hollyhocks, corkscrew grass and landulum. Since I will have to try to keep some of them alive until the house is ready for landscaping,  I decided to try my hand at propagation.  I've divided and replanted several plants.  Hopefully come fall they will be alive and have a spot by the new house in which to grow.

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