Thursday, March 8, 2012

Busy, Busy Busy

Now we have tractor envy.
I has been a busy couple of weeks!  Our guy Ron,  has been busy clearing away junk from what we affectionately call Junk Yard Alley.  He also cleaned up the brush and little trees behind the house.  They worked about 3 days and it looks like a whole new place.  I will refrain from commenting on what we did with a lot of the cylinders,  but they will forever be close by. 

Ron also came by one evening and moved the shed.  I painted it red and have some minor modifications to make then we will have a bonafide chicken coop.  Not a moment to soon either,  the chickens are ready for their outdoor home this weekend.  We did loose one chicken so we have 11 now ready for the cozy new home.

Steve and Steve came back to collect scrap metal after almost a year long break.  Today they are going to take the copper wire out of the old house and a few misc scraps.  I am always amazed by the little scraps they will go to great pains to collect.

I have been selling bricks from the piles.  So far we have three different people taking bricks and you still can't tell where they took them from.  We have decided to use one pile ourselves to brick the house to grade in the back.  Something tells me that we will still have extra when the project is complete.

We are still working with the county to get our building permit.  Health, engineering and zoning have all signed off and tomorrow I meet with land development for the grading plan and final sign off...hopefully. 

We have had so many people stopping by this week.  Several people to look at bricks and cylinders,  one neighbor stopped by and took me to her house for advice on fruit trees and moving a Japanese maple,  another neighbor and his daughter hiked thru the woods just to say hi,  but the most interesting was the soils testing guy who stopped by.  He had done a soils test for us back in 2009 before we bought the property.  He happened to be in the area and wanted to see how we were fairing.  We chatted about the progress and he asked about our plans for the old doors and windows in the house.  Apparently he is building a log cabin and is going to take the old doors and windows for his own project.  It just caught us by surprise but we are so happy to reduce the amount of waste from this project.

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