shovels and some other things we found |
That is how many shovels we found this week. We worked on cleaning out the basement and we finished cleaning out the little shed. We still have not found the box of money that must be here somewhere, but we keep trying. We all found some treasures this weekend. Chris plans to salvage the little shed to repurpose as a wood shed and I have been saving some random wood to make some sort of a wall hanging. Jackson found a whole box of switches to which he said "These are exactly what I need!" He also salvaged several spools of wire which he plans to put to good use. Cooper would have found treasure as well, but every time we came across a dead snake, snake skin or animal skull, we swiftly tossed them out of sight.
I installed the automatic solar chicken door this week and Chris is still working on the nesting box, otherwise the coop and run are looking good. We moved the chickens into the coop yesterday. I am sure it was a comical sight to see Cooper and I trying to catch them all, transfer them to a pet carrier then walk them to the new coop.The chickens are very wary to leave the coop and explore their new surroundings so the chicken run remains unused as of yet. We have clearly identified one rooster and possibly a second, which means we will probably need to have fresh chicken for dinner soon.
This week we had enough material to write our own country song. The bees are all dead, the pipes froze, turkeys ate all our newly planted grass seed and the toilet overflowed. However we are lucky enough to get on the list and we have 3 packages of bees arriving April 7th, warmer weather is coming and I have 100 lbs of grass seed waiting to be planted. As always, life is good!