Monday, January 30, 2012

The Chickens are Coming!

Paintball fun behind the barn
We have had a great week!  The weather has been fantastic 40's most of days and even 60's a couple of times.  Chris and Jackson got a lot of wiring done in the barn and they hope to schedule to have regular electrical service line installed soon.  We hung pegboard this weekend which is immensely helpful in organizing things.  We also applied for the permit to have septic run to the barn and our installer is ready to roll once the permit comes in.  I never thought I would be so excited about a barn bathroom.

Cooper and Yoda on our hike
Due to the nice weather we did slack off a little and have some fun with the paintball guns.  We found some junk bottles and an old tire in the woods to shoot at.  I actually thought to myself that it is so cool we found the junk to shootwhere normally I would be perturbed that I had to clean up someone else's trash.  We also took a good hike in the woods.  We came across a great camping spot on an island between two creeks.  Chris was able to show me where he wants his shooting range and of course I suggested a different spot.  The we settled on a completely different place. 

We ordered our chickens two weeks ago and they will arrive mid Feb.  Chris is not so excited as the rest of us, as he has the most chores to do to get the coop ready.  We ordered 6 Americanas(blue and green eggs) and 4 Austrolopes(black chickens) and 1 Americana Rooster.  I should close now so I can finish reading "Chickens for Dummies".

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