Friday, June 17, 2011

Our first month is a success

We are loving life here in the woods.  The garden is flourishing and we even expanded this year with a size able pumpkin and gourd patch.  Construction on the barn should start next week.

With such a small house to clean I have had loads of time to catch up on my reading.  Now that the kids are out of school, we will see how that goes.

Our biggest treat has been seeing all the wildlife.  While playing Uno,  Cooper says 'turkey' and sure enough there is a big ol' tom the turkey taking a dust bath. We see or hear the turkeys every day.   Another evening after the boys were in bed Chris and I watched a pair of white barn owls swoop down at our lights.  Very cool!  We have so may cardinals living right outside our window along with bluebirds, humming birds and a Baltimore oriel. 

We also have some not so cool wildlife.  I am personally on a mission to rid the place of ground hogs and raccoons.  Yesterday I caught my first groundhog in the live trap and Chris 'disposed' of it.  I am still waiting for my first raccoon,  now I am using tuna as bait any other suggestions??

For those of you who have been so concerned about Chris' Internet access,  I am online via his new Verizon MiFi. 

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