Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Robbed Again

We are very sad to report that the theif has struck again.  This time they took our game camera.  At least we got a few cool photos. 

We have been very busy the past couple of weeks.  With Chris home all the time,  a lot is getting accomplished.  He and our excavator Ron, located and uncovered the septic system.  It looks to be in good shape and hopefully the county will approve it for use.  Ron and Chris have also began the excavation for a barn.  Chris has been working hard to nail down quotes from the masonry, framers and roofers so that we can get the barn built and have a place to store our stuff.

The garden is coming along nicely.  The strawberries are thriving and have loads of blooms.  The asparagus I transplanted last fall is pokeing thru.  Peas and beans are about 4in high and I can almost taste them already!  The lettuce should be ready any day now.  It is so hard to have patience.  Tomatos, peppers, broccoli, artichokes and herbs are all in.  Lots more seeds to go in this week.

Our current house is only ours for 4 more weeks.  We have gotten into full packing mode and have started trying to sell a lot of our furniture.  The pool is open and warm so the boys have been squeezing in every spare minute of swim time they can before we move. 

So things are moving along and we promise to do our best to keep the blog updated, but things are happening so fast. 

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