Monday, November 15, 2010

Movin' along

We have started really trying to clean out the house so that we can assess if it usable or not.  It would be so nice to live at Watermark Woods and get down to one property and one mortgage.  Given pending changes in taxes and the economy,  we are thinking it would be in our best interest to get out there sooner rather than later.

We have filled our 2nd dumpster and awaiting the arrival of the third.  Sunday we worked really hard and got most of the front porch cleaned off.  It will be nice to work on the actual inside of the house.  I will be out of town next weekend, but Chris is planning a work weekend while I am gone, so I expect to see significant progress, wink, wink! 

This week,  I finished putting the garden to bed for the winter.  I hope to get the soil of the back part of the garden turned over in the next couple of weeks so that we will be ready to plan corn back there this spring.

The herbs in the forest herb garden have not been dug up since that first time.  Thank goodness for small successes.

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