Monday, March 1, 2010

Stuck Again????!!!!!

With all the snow we haven't been out to the woods in a while.  So we decided to leave the kids home and shovel enough so that we could open the gate.  We dorve in a bit and decided the snow was too deep to drive and decided to hike in.

It was tough walking in the snow it was still up to my knee in places.  Sometimes you could walk on top and sometimes you would just sink in.  We saw lots of wildlife tracks.  Tons of well worn deer trails and turkey tracks as well as fox and racoons.  We did see a rather large unidentifiable track(bear?!).  After we hike back and got in the truck to leave and we were stuck.

Uugh,  The truck must have sledded on the snow and the body of the truck was held up by the snow so that the tires had very little contact with the ground.  We used the tire jack to prop up the truck and put branches under the tires and after two hours of digging the snow from around and under the truck, we were able to get un-stuck. 

It was the longest time the boys have ever been home alone, over 3 hours.  They did great! 

What a day!

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