Friday, May 27, 2011

New tennants at Watermark Woods

WooHoo!  We officially reside at Watermanrk Woods.  We closed on our house today and are so proud to call the Woods home. 

Things are still a bit rough around the edges.  We are working at getting the septic and water hooked to our new temporary dwelling(RV) and there is no Internet or phone yet,  but it is such a treat to hear the owls as we drift off to sleep each night.

As I type this at a local coffee shop with free WiFi Jackson is anxiously awaiting me to return the use of his lap top.  So a short and sweet posting for now but know that we are so happy  to be in our new surroundings and as the next chapter in our adventure begins we have great dreams for the future of our family. Stay tuned......

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

The Bees Have Arrived

Our bees arrived 5/12.  We picked them up in cardboard boxes which we were told that they could easily chew their way out of.  The first colony Chris and Jackson installed was very active and made a lot of buzzing.  The second colony was very docile and were so easy to manipulate. They got them into the hive and no one go stung.
Link to a video of Chris and Jackson putting the bees in their new hive:

On another topic,  remember when Chris' stihl chainsaw got stolen.  Well he got a new one about 6 weeks age.  Today it got ran over with the end loader.  What a mess! He took it into Tommy the chainsaw man (who looks eerily like Robert DeNiro) and it would cost more to fix it than to buy a new one,  so we have purchased our 3rd new chainsaw. 

The garden is doing great,  we are up to our ears in lettuce and some is actually going to seed.   I need to get on the ball and prune it back some.  Things are looking green and healthy,  except the strawberries which are looking red and healthy!

We think we will be living at Watermark Woods in less than a week.  WooHoo!!!