Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Sweeeeeet Potato!

We have been so busy lately.  We have been working hard to get our wood stacked up to heat the house for the winter.  So far we have almost a full cord and if the weather holds, tomorrow we should bring home our 2nd cord.

Today the boys and I harvested sweet potatos.  It was a little early, but something ate all the foilage from the plants so I was worried the tubers would rot.  We still got a nice harvest and a couple of really big ones! 

We also harvested any pumpkins or gourds whose vines had died.  We still have some vines producing so we should have some fresh ones for halloween.  The ones we got today we are going to dry in the sun for a day then root cellar them.  All my research says they should keep for up to 4 months,  luckily we just want them to last for 2 months until halloween. 

Waiting for our next big batch of tomatos.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Doing the Can-can

We are getting lots of tomatos , peppers, eggplants, cantalope and rhubarb.  It sure is keeping us busy because what we can't eat, we have been canning.  We've "put up"  rhubarb, veggie sauce, tomato sauce, salsa and loads of pickles. 

While we have been keeping busy, we are looking forward to cooler weather so we can get out there and clean out that house.