Monday, May 24, 2010

Lazy Days

We had lots of rain both Saturday and Sunday, but we did manage to make it out on Saturday.  I planted sweet potatos, raspberries and sun flowers.  We also picked up straw to put down between the beds. 

The big news is that Chris passed the electrical inspection on his first try!  Now we are just waiting for Dominion power to hook it up.

Chris had another big win this weekend when the riding lawnmower broke.  It would start but wouldn't go.  He proped it up on a muck bucket(accident waiting to happen!) and crawled underneath. Just one trip to the hardware store later and he made it work again! That sure saved us some dollars.

Monday, May 17, 2010

Ahh, Rain

Another rainy Monday!  WooHoo,  it is so nice not to have to haul water for the garden. 

I have been going out a couple of days a week to do the weeding and watering.  The Lateglow strawberries are about the size of marbles,  it is so exciting to see progress.  We got pumpkins and gourds and rhubarb in last week, just waiting for them to poke out of the soil. 

Chris spent a good part of Saturday finishing up his temporary electrical pole.  He is ready for inspection this week.  Then it will take the power company about 3 weeks to get the service hooked up. 

We had lots of visitors this week.  Heidi dropped by for a garden tour on Thursday,  she thought we should hire some of those workers who stand outside 7-11 to help clear things away.  Damian, Elsie and Brent came by on Saturday and had lunch with us.  Brent told us there is no way we would get this cleaned up by ourselves and we should find some cheep labor to help out(7-11 guys??).  John, Mary and Michelle are the first family members to come by since we made the big purchase.  We gave them a tour on Sunday and I think they left in shock and awe as well ;)  Michelle went home with a lovely granite parting gift.

It has been a quiet couple of weeks lately. Now that the garden is in,  I am happy to just stay in that area of the land, where it seems very civilized. 

Monday, May 3, 2010

Bring on the Rain

As I write this I am so thankful it is a rainy Monday.  We planted the garden yesterday. My little seedlings totaled 60 tomato plants, 30 peppers, 4 artichoke, 8 eggplant, 12 watermelon, 12 cantalope.  We also planted beans, cucumbers, squash, and zuchinni.

Chris spent the entire weekend working on a pole for temporary electrical service.  He got the pole up, secured, several boxes mounted on the pole(don't aske me what they are all for), and two 8 foot grounding poles pounded into the ground.  Is is almost ready for the inspection. 

I have my fingers crossed that with electricity, we will be able to get water from the well.  I have been hauling water from home to the few plants we have in the garden.  It has not been without it's problems.  Jackson and I had several milk jugs full of water and were stopping by the grocery store, when rounding a corner we heard "thud" then the unmistakeable "glug, glug, glug" of milk jugs emptying.  When we got to the store,  we were leaving a trail as the water leaked out of the door jams.  When we came out of the store,  there was a puddle under my car.  That was a week ago and now my car smells like fungus! Eeewwwwww