Sunday we had a load of wood delivered to our real house as we are having a hard time keeping up with our wood consumption rate. We did get our first propane bill since installying the stove and we used about 1/3 of what we used last winter and we have ben much warmer. That is a 2/3 savings! The delivery guy must deliver gravel during the week so we ended up with 3/4 cord of wood and 1/4 cord of gravel.
Being industrious people, we put the gravel in buckets and hauled it out to Watermark Woods. We filled in some low spots in the driveway. It was a misty rainy day, but we were really proud of ourselves for finding a use for the gravel and following thru.
Today I bought a machete and went out the woods to wack away some of the brush by where I'd like to put the garden this spring. When I arrived there was a tree down in the drive way from the storm on Monday. I moved the tree away branch by branch then continued on my way. The spot where we had dumped our gravel was completely washed away from the storm. Insert some swear words here. So much had washed away I was afraid to drive on it as I might get stuck. I could see that the driveway was built of bricks and some of our concrete cylinders before they layed down the gravel. That was kind of cool information to learn. We still scratch our heads trying to figure out why there are so many of those cylinders.