I almost have a tear in my eye to write this post....Almost. Mostly I am doing a dance of Joy.
Yesterday 11-12-13 we received our occupancy permit. We are just two weeks shy of the 4 year anniversary of beginning this project.
The house is finished. We can officially live here, pay taxes, use the septic system, drink the water and all the other privileges that come along with officially occupying a home.
Reflecting on the project, I can't really say whether or not we would do it again. It was a lot of fun and a lot of work. Not just a lot of work but A LOT OF WORK! We all made sacrifices but we all learned a lot and have made some really great memories and new friends.
Chris and I were looking at old photos of the house and property and it is truly astounding what we accomplished. I am not sure what made us think we could tackle this project, maybe we were a little bit crazy, but we did it! We are so happy with our choice. We do not miss an opportunity to tell each other how much we like this land, or the house, or a tree, or the chickens, or how that tile work came out, or how wonderful the trim looks, or what great paint color choices we made, or how cool that the 4 of us made this all happen.
Today Jackson asked when are we going to begin working on finishing the basement? Well, I guess that means the kids enjoyed the building process, if they want to start another project. We have lots of projects planned for the future. They may possibly include:
- Finishing the basement
- Trails throughout the woods
- Greenhouse
- Wood burning stove
- Shooting range
- Picnic area in the woods
- Campsite in the woods
- Clearing vines
- A swimming pool
- A sauna
As we take a break from projects we will also take a break from this blog. I am not sure who said it but I read a quote once 'There is no real ending. It's just the place where you stop the story.' As we all know, life carries on after the story ends. So we will end this story and prepare for the next one.
Thanks to everyone who helped us, everyone who stopped by to lift a hand or lend advice, everyone who said motivating words, everyone who sent encouraging thoughts and prayers. WE DID IT!!!!